- Boček V.: Magnets and Inductors with Current, Fair 23, České Budějovice 2018
The forces affecting a magnet placed in the magnetic field of the coil, the so-called electromagnetic pendulum, are investigated in this paper. By consecutive turning on and off of the current flowing through the coil, we will look for the resonant frequency of the pendulum.
- Dvořák L.: A Bit of Heuristics from Malá Hraštice, Fair 5, Praha 2000
A few ideas from the assembly of students of the Department of Physics Education FMP CU. A guide on how to make a string phone with echoes, balance based on the Archimedes’ law, apparatus for measuring the Young’s modulus of jam, dumplings etc., amplifier constructed so that it picks up a magnet pendulum passing through its balance position. Everything is made of commonly available resources.
- Dvořák L.: Other ideas from Malá Hraštice 4, Fair 19, Cheb 2014
The paper presents seven suggestions for experiments which have been tried and newly designed at the spring training camp for future and present physics teachers. It is not about the most accurate measurement, but about how students can practise various parts of mechanics from primary school level to high school level on the task to measure gravity.
- Houfková J., Mandíková D.: Physics in a box, Fair 17, Praha 2012
A box with dimensions of 10.2 cm × 6.2 cm × 2.2 cm is filled with stuff that can be used to demonstrate more than sixty different physics phenomena. This paper presents the contents of this box and selected experiments performed with it.
- Koudelková V., Cach R., Polák Z., Reichl J.: A few things from the summer camp – this time on the topic: “What already the ancient Greeks knew … and do we know it too?”, Fair 17, Praha 2012
This paper describes seven selected projects which were conducted by the Maths and Physics Camp participants, which took place in Kořenov. It concerns these projects: Heron’s Inventions, Levitating Motor, Pythagorean Scale, Radio for Robinson, Communication With Light, Pendulum Wave and Water Integrator.
- Koupil J.: Elastic or Inelastic Wrecking ball?, Fair 10, Praha 2005
A simple experiment when we are trying to overturn a standing block with a pendulum, its mathematical analysis and measurement by a video recording.
- Polák Z.: CD Experiments, Fair 8, České Budějovice 2003
Measuring of mechanical and other properties of a CD, simple experiments with a CD (13 guides in total). A description of some parts of a CD-ROM and eight related experiments.