Conference information
- Location
- Building A, University of Hradec Králové
- Hradecká 1227
- Hradec Králové
- Find on map
- When coming by car, park your vehicle in the campus car park. When coming by public transport, get off at Heyrovského bus stop (lines 1, 9, 23, 24 and 28), the campus is located right in front of you. You can also get off at Zimní stadion bus stop (lines 2, 16, 18, 23 a 27), cross the bridge, pass the Scientific Library building, and the campus is located behind the library building on its right side.
- Important dates
- Early registration ends: 30. 4. 2013
- Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 30. 6. 2013
- Conference: Aug. 30th - Sep. 1st 2013
- Full paper submission: at the conference
- veletrh2013
- Web pages
- Contact address
- RNDr. Michaela Křížová, Ph.D.
- katedra fyziky PřF UHK
- Rokitanského 62
- 500 03 Hradec Králové
- tel: 493 331 117
- Organizační a programový výbor konference
- RNDr. Jan Kříž, Ph.D. – chair
- prof. RNDr. Ivo Volf, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Josef Hubeňák, CSc.
- RNDr. Michaela Křížová, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Jana Česáková, Ph.D.
- Prices and fees
- Conference fee: reduced fee 20 € (on early registration before 30. 4. 2013),
full fee 24 € on registration after 30. 4. 2013 - Conference dinner: approximately 400,- Kč
- Bank account:
- Account number: 1080263349/0800
- IBAN: CZ58 0800 0000 0010 8026 3349
- Participants from abroad are offered an option to pay their fees at the registration desk.